Monday 6 February 2017

Metaphysical Properties of Crystals

          Agate Balances ying-yang energy, stabilizes the aura. Imparts strength and courage. Opens one to innate creative talents.
          Amethyst Calming energy. Encourages spirituality and contentment. Stone of stability, strength, and peace. Excellent for meditation. Enhances psychic ability.
          Aventurine Independence, leadership, creativity. Balances male and female energies. Aligns intellectual, physical, emotional, and etheric bodies.
          Aquamarine Courage, intellect, protection. Assists spiritual awareness and actualization.
          Bloodstone Bloodstone imparts strength, courage, and the self confidence needed to succeed in business and legal affairs. Attracts wealth, sexual potency, insures victory.
          Carnelian Carnelian is a healing stone that counteracts feelings of apathy, fear and rage. Fosters peace within and without, imparts self confidence, and inspired verbal and written communication.
          Emerald Loyalty, sensitivity, harmony, and tranquility. Assists in memory retention and mental clarity.
          Fluorite Stability, order, discernment, and concentration. Helps one to understand and maintain ideals.
          Garnet Commitment, devotion, love, stability and order. Even flow of energy.
          Hematite Excellent for the mind, and grounding.
          Jade Harmony, peace, fidelity, confidence. A great dream stone.
          Jasper Protection, awareness, insight, and grounding.
          Labradorite Represents the light of the Universe, extra-terrestrial energy. Intuition and illumination.
          Lapis Lazuli Knowledge, wisdom, perfection, protection, and creative expression.
          Lepidolite Honesty, stability, hope, acceptance. Assists in change and transition. Facilitates astral travel.
          Lodestone Lodestones are natural magnets, and for many centuries, have been used to charge spell items, primarily to attract things to the one using them- good luck, healing, money, love.
          Malachite Transformation and spiritual development. Clears the way to attain goals.
          Moonstone Lunar female energy. Emotional and intuitive. Rhythms, cycles, and destiny.
          Onyx Centering, self-control, and intuitive guidance. Assists in the grieving process.
          Clear Quartz crystal Universal crystal, clarity of consciousness The quartz crystal can be ‘programmed’ to help clear away negative energy from the aura and re-align the chakra energy centers of the body.
          Rose Quartz Empowers and attracts the energies of love, happiness and peace. Encourages healing on all levels.
          Ruby Love, nurturing, spirituality, wealth, and protection.
          Sapphire Beauty and prosperity.
          Smoky Quartz Dissolves negativity, grounding, and balancing. Excellent for meditation.
          Tigereye Earthy, grounding. Represents sun and earth. Optimism, insight, personal power.
          Tourmaline Inspiration, understanding, self-confidence, balancing.
          Turquoise Spiritual attunement, strength, and grounding. Excellent for astral travel.

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