Monday 16 January 2017

Blue Aventurine Gemstone Necklace

Blue Aventurine combines the elements of wind and water in a gentle stone. Its name is derived from the Italian word ‘aventure’, which means ‘by chance’. Blue Aventurine refers to the Italian glass which was produced when a worker accidently dropped metal fillings into a vat of melting glass. When cooled, the result was pleasing with its randomly spaced sparkles, and since then, it was used to make jewelry. The name ‘Aventura’ was later given to the natural stone which looked like the industrial product.

It is used in various forms for metaphysical purposes, jewelry, vases, bowls and figurines, landscaping stone, building stone and monuments.
The benefits of a blue Aventurine Gemstone Necklace are:
.           A blue Aventurine Gemstone Necklace resonates from the mind to the heart, making a person work calmly, rationally and steadily.
.           A blue Aventurine Gemstone enhances the masculine nature in both males and females.
.           AventurineGemstone is a stone of self discipline and inner strength. It helps one to maintain balance in life. It does not allow one to spend money carelessly and uselessly.
.           A blue Aventurine Necklace promotes one to take full responsibility of one’s life, relationships and experiences, while lending support needed empower changes.
.           A Gemstone Necklace helps one to open to higher spiritual guidance and revealing psychic abilities that may previously have been blocked.
.           In a relationship, a blue Aventurine Gemstone mala encourages one to open up and have honest communication and to speak up ones heart and mind.
.           A blue Aventurine mala helps one to honour peace and aids in increasing the feeling of care for others.
.           A blue Aventurine crystal also embodies strength to face the realms of the outer world.
.           A Necklace is beneficial in overcoming bad habits, such as smoking, overheating and substance abuse. It also helps in dissolving ones negative traits, such as selfishness and aggression.
.           For those who never seem to grow up, a blue Aventurine Gemstone helps them by discover that one really can handle one’s own life and that the fruits of adulthood are much sweeter than their youth.
.           A Gemstone mala imbibes the qualities of leadership in a person. One can take leads in any project or work related stuffs and prosper in them.
.           In competitions of sports, one can wear a blue Aventurine crystal for calm and focused performance.
.           This ameliorates pain and chronic stiffness and may help in lessening muscle twitches.
.           The upper chakras of one’s life can be resonated with the help of a blue Aventurine stone.
.           If ones innate powers and sensitivities have been blocked by inner harmony, a stone  assists in opening them.
.           A stone Necklace helps one to trust people who are worthy of their trust, thus gaining their self confidence.
With such improbable properties to resonate everything from the mind to the heart, a blue Aventurine Gemstone is one of the boons presented by Earth to the entire human race.

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