is slowly and steadily becoming one of the most followed religions of the
world. Among various sacred elements, two of the most prominent things that we
hear about Buddhism are Buddhist monks
and meditation. We will talk of about the significance that these two
things hold in Buddhist culture.
Of Buddhist Monks:
• The primary task of a Buddhist monk is
to spread the teachings of Lord Buddha. They devote their entire life to this
task and the well-being of the religion, as a whole.
• Although a Buddhist monk ideally
renounces his worldly life, he still has a lot to do withthe welfare of the
society. They are the only people who can solve the problems of a follower of
Buddhism. Hence, their focus lies on their followers; they help their followers
by advising them on all stages of life.
• Apart from the above two roles,
another important significance of a Buddhist monk is that he also engages
himself in various social activities. There are a number of schools, hospitals
and other charitable institutions that are run by Buddhist monks.
Importance Of Meditation In Buddhism:
• The first and foremost benefit of
meditation is the fact that it improves our memory power, even under stress.
• It is the quick solution in calming
the mind and the body when we feel too much pressure or suffer from anxiety,
nervousness or stress.
• Regular meditation helps a person keep
sudden negative mood swings at bay.
• The power of concentration is greatly
honed by the practice of regular meditation. Mental distractions can be tackled
smartly if a person is a regular meditator.
• Meditation curbs the chances of
degradation of the brain. Research proves that there is a strong connection
between meditation and intelligence, since it substantially increases the size
of a person’s brain.
• The immunity system of a person’s body
becomes more attuned with the common diseases that can affect a person’s body.
• Apart from basic common diseases,
medical research also proves that regular meditation has a positive effect on people suffering from heart diseases, high blood
pressure, cancer, and asthma among many others.
• Meditating is a great way to
rejuvenate the human body when fatigue strikes. In fact, a meditation break can
also work as a substitute of sleep.
• Chronic pain, whether physical or
emotional, can be cured to a large extent by inculcating the good habit of
meditating every day.
• With meditation, a person becomes more
attuned with his surroundings since it has major positive effects on his
alertness and vigilance.
Buddhist culture becomes all the more transparent after a person goes through
the significant roles that monks andmeditation play in Buddhism and the life of a Buddhism follower.
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