to Hindu mythology, Goddess Sarawati
has been associated with the enhancement of knowledge. Known as the bestower of
wisdom, Goddess Saraswati is religiously worshipped by people involved in the
academic and creative fields. While she is worshipped by her followers
primarily through idols and photographs, a Saraswati Yantram is specifically
used to seek her blessings in our day-to-day lives.
known as the Vak Devi or the goddess of speech and Sakala Kaladhi shtatri or the goddess
of all arts, Goddess Saraswati is known
to help a person hone their skills. Therefore, a Saraswati Yantram also serves
the same purpose. The history of this device dates back to when some followers
of Brahmadev had the vision of a Goddess. When they understood their inner
voice that the deity is none other than Goddess Saraswati herself, she was
pleased with the followers and gifted them this Yantram. This Yantram is
basically a metal plate made of Panchadhatu or five metals, with an inscribed
pattern that reinforces the blessing of Goddess Saraswati.
Significance Of A Saraswati
Firstly, since Goddess Saraswati is known for honing the academic skills
of a person, it is primarily used by students. Apart from the regular users,
this Yantram is particularly advised to students who are weak with the
concentration power or memory skills. Keeping this Yantram always by one’s side
enhances such powers and skills.
Apart from academic students, Goddess Saraswati is also worshipped by people in
the artistic and creative fields. It is said that using this Yantram provides a
better understanding of music, dance and other creative arts.
As per astrological charts, those who suffer from the malefic effects of the
planet Jupiter should use this Yantram
to nullify such ill effects.
A Saraswati Yantram is also a known remedy for people suffering mental
disorders and stunted intellectual growth.
Students who have faced a major setback in academics or are trying to resume
after a long break should seek the help of a Saraswati Yantram to get back on
This is an exceptional cure for women! Married women should take the help of a
Saraswati Yantram for marital bliss while spinsters should rely on its powers
of finding an ideal match.
A Saraswati Yantram can be placed anywhere in a house but the place of worship
or the puja room is the ideal place, where everyone can worship it.
Because of the small size of the Yantram, it can easily be carried by a person
in a wallet or bag, especially if one requires the blessings of Goddess
Saraswati on the go.
by a Saraswati Yantram instantly results in an increase
in innovative thinking and creativity, along with bringing positive energies in
a person’s life.
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